Monday, July 16, 2012

Never met, my second kids

Living far away from my face side,
Just 30 minutes spent with your child face,
I dunno, you...
Look so dove above me, 
Make me anger,
Make me happy ever lasting,
Make me shy side of my soul,
But, my face is shining light with you,
My finger always give to you, and you so,
Run around with you,
Fly away with my voice,
WISH, you glad so,
Praying, singing and playing we were,
One crying make all is sad,
You are so excellent kids!
But, our time has fast,
Our time has done!
But, i 'm missin' you as always,
I have no anything,
Your picture...
Your smell...
Your voice...
Your movement....
Your smile...
Your cry...
Sorry kids, I forgot you,
Never say goodbye or see you if we meet again,
I late again,
GOD, you are fine?
Give me one miracle in different time,
I need you so bad,
I miss you so damn,
WISH, sumtimes we meet again,
Good luck for you, you, and YOU... 

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Sure, You Can Ask Me a Personal Question 
by Diane Burns

How do you do?
No, I am not Chinese.
No, not Spanish.
No, I am American Indian, Native American.
No, not from India.
No, not Apache
No, not Navajo.
No, not Sioux.
No, we are not extinct.
Yes, Indian.
So that's where you got those high cheekbones.
Your great grandmother, huh?
An Indian Princess, huh?
Hair down to there?
Let me guess. Cherokee?
Oh, so you've had an Indian friend?
That close?
Oh, so you've had an Indian lover?
That tight?
Oh, so you've had an Indian servant?
That much?
Yeah, it was awful what you guys did to us.
It's real decent of you to apologize.
No, I don't know where you can get peyote.
No, I don't know where you can get Navajo rugs real cheap.
No, I didn't make this. I bought it at Bloomingdales.
Thank you. I like your hair too.
I don't know if anyone knows whether or not Cher
is really Indian.
No, I didn't make it rain tonight.
Yeah. Uh-huh. Spirituality.
Uh-huh. Yeah. Spirituality. Uh-huh. Mother
Earth. Yeah. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Spirituality.
No, I didn't major in archery.
Yeah, a lot of us drink too much.
Some of us can't drink enough.
This ain't no stoic look.
This is my face.

This poetry occurs between two person that is the Native American and white people, it sounds a humor poem. The author feels bored because the people always repeat about the same questions. In the beginning this poetry explain about the author wanted to show that her tribe is still and  want to show identity. The other always ask to the author about “ are you from : Chinese, Spanish? ”, it shows that many people around think that Native American is lineage of Chinese and Spanish, but the author explain in next sentence “ No, I am American Indian, Native American.” It shows that this is Original American people, not Chinese or Spanish and the author in confusion because she is in misspoke “how do I call my tribe?” , so she changes American Indian to Native American. The people  said “ what is your tribe? “, the author answered “ No, I am not Apache, Navajo, or Sioux”, but I am Original American tribe that still. “No, we are not extinct” showed that her tribe is still exist. That showed in angry , tired tone. “ So that’s where you got those high cheekbone. Your great grandmother, huh?. An Indian Princess, huh?. It showed that she is one of a Native American descent, and she was a woman like a princess because of her role. “ Oh, so you’ve had an Indian friend? That close? Oh, so you’ve had an Indian lover? That tight? Oh, so you’ve had an Indian servant? That much?” showed that really want to know all about Native American. “ Yeah, it was awful what you guys did to us. It’s real decent of you to apologize.” Showed that white people to say sorry because all of white people views and perceptions.
“No, I didn’t make it rain tonight.” It showed that mostly Native American is singing, dancing in around camp fire and wearing traditional clothing we think that this one of culture Native American, as we know it in the minds of its activities such as ceremonies to bring rain. The word “Uh-huh” showing that the author are in annoyed condition, sad, and disappointed to someone who underestimate herself and her tribe. That word also sound frustrated. “ No, I didn’t major in archery” I think, that sentence explain and claim that Native American is survive by using the arrow weapon but not all. In the last sentence, the author said “ This ain’t no stoic look” , showed that confirmed that the group hold up sickness for many wrong opinion about the group. This is my face”, is showing that Diane shows “it is me”, she proud of hers and she feels stoical.